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Capture your Holiday Memories with FUJIFILM Instax mini LiPlay®

It's the most wonderful time of the year! There are so many things I love about the holidays (food, traditions, Christmas decor), but the memories made with family and friends are what I cherish most. These moments always involve taking photos with loved ones, some of whom you may rarely see, so it's even more important to document the moment! I love taking pictures on my phone to look back on and reminisce, but nothing compares to a physical photo. There's something about a printed photo that just means more. A photo lasts a lifetime. So when FUJIFILM wanted to partner for my holiday party, I was so excited! One of the highlights of our night was using the FUJIFILM Instax Mini LiPlay® to capture lasting memories. I love their message of creating shareable memories that can be printed and given to others with their #Give10 campaign, don't just take, give™.

If you're not familiar with the Instax Mini LiPlay® it's a hybrid instant print camera and printer that incorporates both instant print and digital technologies - plus it's super easy to use! I'm technically challenged, believe it or not, and it was even easy for me to set up and use. You can print your photos straight from the camera in less than 12 seconds with the Instax Mini LiPlay app via Bluetooth. I love that it's small, fits just about anywhere, and is perfect for on-the-go. It comes in Blush Gold, Elegant Black and Stone White (I have the black). In addition to giving the photos to someone as a gift, the camera itself would make an amazing gift. At our holiday soiree we used the printed photos to make ornaments that we hung on the tree, guests even took home some of their pics from the evening![if gte vml 1]><v:shapetype id="_x0000_t75" coordsize="21600,21600" o:spt="75" o:preferrelative="t" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" filled="f" stroked="f"> <v:stroke joinstyle="miter"></v:stroke> <v:formulas> <v:f eqn="if lineDrawn pixelLineWidth 0"></v:f> <v:f eqn="sum @0 1 0"></v:f> <v:f eqn="sum 0 0 @1"></v:f> <v:f eqn="prod @2 1 2"></v:f> <v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelWidth"></v:f> <v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelHeight"></v:f> <v:f eqn="sum @0 0 1"></v:f> <v:f eqn="prod @6 1 2"></v:f> <v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelWidth"></v:f> <v:f eqn="sum @8 21600 0"></v:f> <v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelHeight"></v:f> <v:f eqn="sum @10 21600 0"></v:f> </v:formulas> <v:path o:extrusionok="f" gradientshapeok="t" o:connecttype="rect"></v:path> <o:lock v:ext="edit" aspectratio="t"></o:lock> </v:shapetype><v:shape id="_x0000_i1026" type="#_x0000_t75" alt="A person standing in front of a mirror posing for the camera&#10;&#10;Description automatically generated" style='width:468pt;height:312pt;visibility:visible;mso-wrap-style:square'> <v:imagedata src="file:///C:/Users/cahunt/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.jpg" o:title="A person standing in front of a mirror posing for the camera&#10;&#10;Description automatically generated"></v:imagedata> </v:shape><![endif][if !vml][endif][if gte vml 1]><v:shape id="officeArt_x0020_object" o:spid="_x0000_i1025" type="#_x0000_t75" alt="A close up of a flower&#10;&#10;Description automatically generated" style='width:432.75pt;height:9in;visibility:visible;mso-wrap-style:square'> <v:imagedata src="file:///C:/Users/cahunt/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image003.jpg" o:title="A close up of a flower&#10;&#10;Description automatically generated"></v:imagedata> </v:shape><![endif][if !vml][endif]

I was lucky enough to also have the FUJIFILM Instax SHARE® SP-3 SQ Smartphone printer at my party, allowing my guests to print off more memories. The SP-3 allows you to print any photo taken with your smartphone on FUJIFILM Instax SQUARE® film via the Instax SHARE app (free in the AppStore or Google Play). This feature enables you to print photos that were taken from pretty much anywhere! You can print images from your Instagram, Facebook, or Google Photos, and you can even print photos from Instagram based on a hashtag (i.e., for weddings and special events). There are so many fun ways to incorporate FUJIFILM products into parties and gatherings with friends and family. I can't imagine having a party now without my new fave products around to capture the memories.

The Instax Mini LiPlay makes giving the gift of photos easier than ever. What do you give the person on your list who's the hardest to buy for, or has everything? The Mini LiPlay! It's the ultimate cool gift. And remember, don't just take, give™.

*You can purchase the Instax Mini LiPlay® here and the Instax SHARE® SP-3 printer here*

*You can read more about the Instax Mini LiPlay® here and the Instax SHARE® SP-3 here*

Photos by Jason Holland


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